Sunday, April 19, 2009

Top 10

So in an effort to understand mankind. I ask you the reader to tell me what would constitute a woman to be "Top Ten" material, (1) Is it beauty in the face? (2) is it a banging body? (3) does mind come into play? (4) does heart come into play?....For the record i don't support objectifying women to list but i do like to understand the cognition behind these things. So i ask:

What are the qualification for a woman to be on your "Top Ten"? 

*Ladies feel free to participate*

......a curious poet


  1. You need to import this to

    But a woman being top 10, without me knowing her personally is hard.

    Honestly, brains and personality usually come first. Let'sbe real though, the first thing you notice is how someone looks. As long as she doesn't look beat down, and/or bummy, it's cool. I don't hold everyone to my own HIGH standards of dress lol. Second, if her mind isn't on a certain level, that an automatic deduction. It's not just being in college, but a really specific cognitive level that a lot of women (and people in general) don't get to. Then comes personalitym which should be great if she is on the same mental wavelength. Gotta be somewhat outgoing, but not TOO outgoing. I can't be pulling you away/off of my homeboys lol. But if I CAN bring you around the homies and you're cool, then that's a plus.

    A big part of it though, is the vibe I get from you when I observe you. Not stalking you lol, but if we're in some kind of social situation together, and I get that feeling. It's weird, like "Hmm, I'm intrigued by her actions/interactions/responses, I wanna know more." THAT is paramount, to me at least.

    But, alas, I do not represent the majority, and I don't look good enough to stand out from them lol. Oh well, I still dress fly. You might want to get a second (third and fourth) opinon.

  2. lol, you're too funny Kev. But i feel you, thanks for the input! :o)

  3. I'll tell you right now:
    Depends on the guy.

    A guy who is mature (and I hate to be throwing that word around because of the misuse/ overuse of it) is looking for a girl who [1]fears God (because then he knows who she answers to at the end of the day... If she respects God, she'll respect you... if she is faithful to God, she knows the importance of faithfulness in a relationship).
    [2] He must find her beautiful. I don't say "she must be beautiful" because attractiveness really is so very relative. But if the guy finds her eyes/smile/ aura attractive, it's going to take them a long way, because that incites a feeling of excitement when he looks at her.
    [3] Intelligence. And not the sort of uber-intellect that you find in pretentious coffeehouses. But has an opinion about things going on in the world, and is hungry to learn more.
    [4] Open-minded. Willing to try new foods/ places/groups of people/ music. There is something sexy about a person who is game for anything.
    [5] Self-aware, and humble. Nothing worse than someone who gets defensive when you tell them something about themselves, or who is too proud to apologize. These things are so very necessary when you're talking long term.
    [6] Confidence. Someone who's not afraid to laugh at themselves.
    [7] Compassion. Finding someone who is sensitive to the pain of the world, can hold a long Conversation with your grandmother, and has a soft spot for kids is someone worth holding onto.
    There are other things, but they vary from guy to guy.

    If you're dealing with a shallow guy, however, he'll tell you:
    1. face
    2. ass
    3. breasts
    4. kindness.

    In that order.


  4. Wonderful breakdown Danni.

    But for the sake of argument we shall consider most men as shallow when rating women. With that said, What is the universal woman that makes every man's Top Ten. How does she look like, and Is she what all self-conscious women aspire to look like?

  5. Well...

    Let me tell you. In general...

    Too many women are just so damn confused about EVERYTHING.

    A girl cannot reach that "top 10" status, if she doesn't know who she is.

    Someone who has the self-awareness to know

    1. Where she's going in life and has the ambition to match

    2. & understands her flaws and what it takes to work on them.

    3. the difference between useful, useless, and comical rambling.

    4. she should be happy in her own skin. No matter what she looks like or what ppl describe as pretty.

    In short, someone who's confident, intelligent, and understands that we don't all have it figured out catapults them self a few notches.

    That's step 1.

    Being trustworthy, open-minded, and outgoing are also key ingredients.

    A girl who you don't have to be selective with in regards to how and where yall can chill. If you're only good for the club, after hours, or a movie, then you're not "top ten."

    Being selfless, mature, and business minded are major turn ons as well.

    Yes, the physical matters, but beauty is what you make of it IMO. Upkeep your hair, face, nails, and wardrobe but don't over think it. (turn off)

    These are qualities I think a top-notch female has, but if you got a big ole' ass or can cook, I can be a bit more lenient (j/k)

  6. I giggle as I ponder upon what prompted this blog entry. I think I will take the time to speak for shallow guys out there.

    1) of course, looks matter. that's a given. but it's not a matter as to what makes a girl attractive in lieu of public opinion as much as what makes someone attractive in the eyes of that guy, not every man is looking for a L.H.T.R.B--just a lot of them.

    2) reputation, i think that comes into play with attractiveness because if a girl is fine, but every one of your boys hit--it might not take away from her pretty factor, but definitely would take away from other factors...such as classiness.

    3) everything else just falls in here. honesty, personal happiness, faith in God, intelligence, etc... and they fall in here because as far as rating goes, this is where the rating stops generally--however this 3rd section can make or break a girl if a guy wants a true relationship. for example if you're physically appealing and you have a good reputation but you aren't honest or you're super needy or you think God is one big joke, it might be difficult to see past some of these things for most guys with any caliber of taste.

    Now, when you're dealing with a guy who actually puts time and effort into is choices...I'll just say refer to what Kevin, Danni, and Vernon said so I don't end up repeating what they have already pointed out.


  7. Oh...and as far as this:

    But for the sake of argument we shall consider most men as shallow when rating women. With that said, What is the universal woman that makes every man's Top Ten. How does she look like, and Is she what all self-conscious women aspire to look like?

    I don't think there is a universal "it" woman. There are women that many men may find attractive, but it won't necessarily be the same across the board. I just feel that many black men have fallen under the whole L.H.T.R.B. syndrome...and I don't think that she is what ALL women aspire to look like that are self-conscious, but depending on the level of uncomfortable-ness that the female may have, it is definitely possible. *sigh* such is life, such is our "American way" hopefully as men get older they grow out of their desires for having the girl that fits a mold and go for a girl that fits THEM.

  8. touche! Ashley. but what does L.H.T.R.B. mean?

  9. long hair thick red bone.

    I think Lil Wayne coined that? I saw it in a bunch of statuses so I had to ask the meaning. lol

  10. Number one should be intellect,but people are so shallow theses days.
